A few years ago my husband was diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus, which is a precancerous condition, that leads to esophageal carcinoma.
His endocrinologist prescribed him medication, which he chose not to take because of ALL THE INTENSE UNREVERSABLE SIDE EFFECTS LISTED!!
Instead he used (and uses if flare up) my tummy tamer remedy…
Purslane!! This weed has seven times more betacarotene than carrots, 14 times more omega-3 fatty acids, and six times the vitamin E of spinach. What???!!
Some researchers claim that it actually has more omega-3s than some fish oils (think healthy heart, healthy emotions — fights anxiety and depression–, healthy eyes, brains, bones and digestion).
It is also high in iron, magnesium, manganese, potasium, calcium and copper.
Traditional Chinese medicine has long used it to help with gastrointestinal issues.
Marshmallow Roots primary use is to soothe and heal mucus surfaces.
Overheated respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems benefit most – overheated (hot) issues can also arise in the body from intense emotions according to Chinese medicine
The mucilage present in the roots and seeds, and to a lesser degree the leaves, which are really soft and can be used for — yup, TP if you should run out. I add leaves to our summer smoothies and it adds sweetness and thickness!!
Roots can help ease and heal irritations and infections such as acid indigestion, Acid Reflux, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bronchitis, chronic coughs, bladder infections, interstitial cystitis, colds, and dry mouth.
Birch Polypore has long been known to impart antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory actions. WOW does this fungus among us know what we humans need right now!!
Its antioxidant and inflammation-fighting content makes it suitable for reducing the proliferation of cancerous cells. Birch polypore contains high concentration of BETULINIC ACID from its host tree. Many studies prove that Betulinic Acid initiates apoptosis- DEATH OF CANCER CELLS WITHOUT HARMING HEALTHY CELLS!!!
Different studies pose it as a remarkable tonic for soothing the gastrointestinal tract and boosting the immune system.
Bee Balm (Monarda Fistulosa) both Purple and Red are nervines (support/soothe/calm the nervous system). It has a powerful action on the bowels, cooling and correcting the internal ecology (Matthew Wood).
Heals most digestive discomforts, gallbladder congestion, diarrhea and constipation, leaky gut (tones the pores of the large intestine), systemic yeast (candida), and is one of the only curative agents in simple tinnitus (Matthew Wood). It reduces Bronchial asthma, nervousness and anxiety, colic, bloating, and interestingly it’s excellent for a hangover.
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