My BLACK WALNUT tincture is done!! I love this tincture for use when one suspects Parasites — including worms and protozoa. Parasites are not just a problem for people in undeveloped countries.
Humans who eat raw fish or undercooked pork, drink unfiltered water from lakes or rivers, or sleep with their pets (that’s ME!).
Parasites often become lodged within the intestines and cause digestive problems such as malabsorption, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Furthermore, the natural laxative effect of black walnut may help flush intestinal parasites out and prevent constipation.
AND you can use this topically on ringworm or toenail fungus
. This is also effective at ridding your body of radiation (in case you get an X-ray/CT scan/or hmmm I don’t know, maybe radiation from “other things”)

I cover (paint it on!) my knees and hands for three days after any testing…
This remedy is for SHORT TERM USE, not everyday forever use

I do 3 – 5 drops 2x/a day for one week.
Then I wait 10 days and repeat. I generally do this for 3 rounds of treatment so I kill the nasties that like to hide (burrow in) in connective tissue (which is EVERYWHERE in your body!).
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