What is this tincture good for??
Nervous system exhaustion, strengthens sexual potency/desire, restorative and strengthening to the whole body, helps with clearer cognition, repairs adrenal burnout, helps reduce sleeplessness, addictions
Milky Oats contains protein (avenins), saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroidal compounds, vitamins B1, B2, D, E, carotene, starch, and fat.
It is used in the treatment of a number of human maladies, ailments or discomforts. Â It has been reported to help with the lowering of cholesterol naturally and increasing of vigor and stamina to people recovering from long-term illnesses (as an aid to help rebuild their strength)Â
The plant has also been shown to help with EXHAUSTION related to neurological pains, insomnia, autoimmune diseases, and stress of life changes (such as a new baby or job change, or schedule shifts)
Milky Oats does not contain gluten like other grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It does contain a protein known as avenin that is well tolerated by most people with Celiac disease and those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity.
The oat seeds carry antispasmodic, cardiac, diuretic, emollient, nervine and stimulant properties.
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