mbolc or Imbolg, also called Brigid’s Day, is a Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on the 1st and 2nd of February.
While it sure doesn’t feel like it this year, Imbolc is a reminder that spring is on the way! It is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and it is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess.
This is a great time to letting go and preparing for new beginnings, and here on the hill, our official ritual is done with fire!! But there are a number of things you can be doing now, preparing for Imbolc…
Clean out a closet or a drawer. I imagine you’ve all heard of the Law of Attraction, but there is also the Law of the vacuum which means that when we get rid of… clean out… let go of… THINGS, the Universe will offer other energetic things to fill the hole you’ve just created! Cool right?!
Take a hot bath with epsom salt and add a few rose petals, or your favorite essential oil (therapeutic grade only as oils that are syntactically scented often times create allergies or headaches, and do not hold the clear vibration of the plant used). Before getting in the bath, set an intention, then settle in and allow the hot water to wash away any energetic muck so you can be prepared for your ritual or celebration.
After your bath, you may want to put a dab of Imbolc Oil on your third eye, the palms of your hands, and the soles of your feet.
I like to make my own Imbolc oil, and thought maybe you’d like to too!
Heres how:
This oil blend combines essential oils of Ginger, Clove, and Rosemary, representing the elements of fire, with Cypress, associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius. To make Imbolc Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice, I like jojoba oil, but its quite expensive, so I sometimes substitute olive oil or avocado oil. I generally make this oil in my magic butter machine and use fresh/dried plant material that I have gathered myself… but that takes time so here is what you can do this year for yourself!
Add the following essential oils to your base oil of choice:
- 3 drops Ginger
- 2 drops Clove
- 1 drop Rosemary
- 1 drop Cypress
As you blend the oils, visualize what the Imbolc season means to you. If you are new to this celebration, just think about spring!! Take in the aroma of the oils. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Be sure to label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Whether you choose a solitary celebration, or you gather with friends, you may want to start thinking about your feast! No Ritual or Celebration feels complete to me without yummy food prepared with gratitude and eaten with JOY!
Traditionally, Imbolc food includes things like breads, grains, and vegetables stored from fall such as onions, potatoes, squashes… as well as dairy items as they remind us of the spring lambing (the season when the ewes are nursing their newly born lambs). What a great way to get ready for spring and the planting season which are right around the corner (Thank Goodess, right?!).
There are so many ways to celebrate the seasons of the year, whether you are a practicing witch, or you are just wanting to feel closer to the earth, and this is a great time to start consciously thanking her, and all her inhabitants!
Much love,