Suggested Cash Donation based on time spent together:
30 minutes massage $50 / Energy Session $40
60 minutes massage $85 / Energy Session $70
90 minutes Massage $105 / Energy Session $90
Intuitive Massage
Intuitive Massage incorporates Swedish, Deep Tissue when needed, acupressure, and energy medicine based upon what your needs are. All sessions begin with calling in the helpers from the Unseen World through Intention and Prayer for the clients Highest Good!
This massage gives your whole body the opportunity to experience long gliding strokes, gentle kneading and stretching, just enough pressure to unwind those places where the everyday stresses of life tend to settle-in, stillness on acupoints to rebalance the nervous system, and silence so that you can hear your own intuition and information from Source, the Angels, guides and helpers.
Meridian Balancing:
Meridian Balancing is based on the thousand year old hands-on healing practice of classical Chinese medicine, the detailed anatomical understanding of the body, meridians (energy channels in the body) and precise acupoints (needle-less acupuncture). Gentle intentional pressure to the points helps to unlock the body’s energy, allowing Qi (energy) to regain balance and support health and wellness.
Reflexology is the scientific practice based on the understanding that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet, hands and ears which correspond to all body parts and systems. It is one of the oldest recorded forms of healing, dating back to 2300 B.C. with pictographs found in the tomb of Egyptian physician Ankh MaHor.
There are 7200 nerve endings on one foot alone and the physical act of applying specific gentle pressures using thumb, finger and hand techniques result in stress reduction and causes measurable physiological changes in the body. Often times if an area on the body is too painful to touch, working with the reflex area reduces the pain in the physical body part. This therapy is done while the client remains comfortably clothed, or can be incorporated into a massage session.
Craniosacral Therapy:
There is a core rhythm in the body that is created by the system that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This rhythm or motion is translated throughout the entire body. Where there are restrictions in the body they will show up as a lack of this motion. By using gentle manual techniques I help to release these restrictions in the body and central nervous system, and facilitate balance in the physical and energy body.
CST is helpful for persons who have experienced head trauma, are challenged with headaches and migraines, sinus and ear issues, vertigo and balance issues, temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, neck issues, respiratory difficulties, ADHD, dyslexia, scoliosis, low back pain, sciatica, labor pains, morning sickness and is helpful during pre-post childbirth.
Reiki is a Japanese word translated as Universal Life Force Energy. It is a holistic healing system addressing problems and healing at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is neither a religion or a belief system, but a part of an emerging field of energetic healing, rediscovered from the wisdom and knowledge of ancient cultures and used in modern times.
Reiki can be used to maintain health and energetic balance in a healthy person, to facilitate healing of disease, injuries, emotional and spiritual problems, and to ease the transition between life and death. Reiki goes directly to the source of the problem, consciously known or not, and heals only at a level and intensity that the client is ready to receive (for their highest good). Reiki produces a state of deep relaxation and helps to balance the human energy field. It can help alleviate physical pain, relieve emotional and mental distress, release energy blocks, boost the immune system, promote wound healing, increase blood flow, and relax the body in general.
Energy Work for Cancer Patients:
Compassionate touch has been shown to aide persons suffering from cancer. Statistics from Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, one of the foremost cancer research hospitals in the United States, sites the benefits for patients who receive massage (when appropriate), Reiki, Healing Touch, Reflexology, and other Energy Therapies; less pain, nausea, and anxiety are a few. I will work with you and your oncologist/treatment team to create a treatment plan appropriate for your individual needs.
LA LIMPIA (offered June – September)
AURA or ENERGY BODY cleansing using plants is an ancient form of shamanic healing practiced in Mesoamerica by curanderos (healers). In a Plant Cleansing or La Limpia, the healer (practitioner) gently strikes the clients body with a bundle of plants to release unwanted energies due to illness, stress, stagnation, and much more. The Healer may sing, or chant, or pray silently while this is happening.
La Limpia is a purification of our energetic field to clear the energies that have become dense enough to cause blockages.
It can also be used to clear the energy of harm that someone intentionally wishes upon another.
In the current world we live in we are subjected to energy and forces that are not our own, whether it be from technology, work environment, dysfunctional family dynamics, etc.
These energies can cling to us and create blockages or cause harm. This is especially so when we are the focus of someone else’s intense emotion, judgment, or envy.
When we are subjected to these negative energies from our environment (work, community or family) they first sit on the edge of our energetic field. They wait for us to “wear down”, and if we do not clear them they become more dense and more dense… and eventually show up in our physical body as illness.
The medicine of the plants draws the harmful energy from a person, and then the plants are burned or buried to carry the unwanted energy deep into the earth where it can do no harm and be transformed back into life energy.
The plants that you choose are used like a rattle as the leaves are shaken to create a rhythmic rustling sound. This calls forth the healing spirits to cleanse a person.
Then the plant bundle that you have chosen acts like a broom to sweep the body down and remove harmful energy that clings to them.
Next we use a pre-made flower essence / exalted water to mimic the essence of the heavenly realms that are visited during ceremonies. This is sprayed around the client to protect from future “invasion”
And finally, the client spits on the plant bundle three times and then we walk to an open field or large tree, or the ceremonial cauldron to allow Nature to transform and heal all energies involved.
This ceremony takes about two hours and is quite transformative!